Tuesday, September 9, 2008

egg activity

Today in class we did an egg experiment by comparing an egg with the layers of the earth. We were put in groups of two and we had to peel off the shell and then cut the egg straight down the middle . To do this our supplies were a hard boiled egg, a plastic knife and a napkin. Then we had to draw the layers of the earth and we had to draw the layers of an egg. The layers of the earth are lithosphere [crust], asthenosphere, mantle, outer core and inner core and in an egg the layers are the shell, membrane, egg white and then the egg yolk. After we have finished we got to eat the egg and we got to put a little bit of salt on it if we wanted to.



Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Good Job! I really enjoyed what we did today, I learn better with hands on activitys, My favorite part was eating the egg. Just Kidding, Well anyway good job!


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...


When you said we had to the egg straight down the middle I didn't quite agree with that. What I would maybe reccomend is that we cut in the fatest part of the egg

Other than those comments... great post!!!!!!!! Who's favorite part was eating the egg? And what is the second layer after the crust/asthenosphere?


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Really great post! that is exactly what we did! My fave part was when we got to cut it open and see that is just like the layers of da earth! My second fave part was when we ate it! The salt on it just blew me away!!!


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

I 4got 2 say, The green stuff that was surrounding the yoke, I didn't understand what part of the layers of the earth that was from. Thanks!!


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Hey momoluvspink,
the green-ish part aroud the egg yolk would represent the outer core. That was a good question. Some of the eggs,however, weren't cooked as long as thers so they didn't have the green-ish stuff on them.

I had another question. Does anyone remember where in the egg the membrane was? I can't remember if it was by the yolk or not.

Also,this is to Sportyspartan, great post! I loved how you in cluded all the layers of the earth. We didn't discuss this all that much, but after the asthenosphere, there are two parts to the mantle. There is the upper and lower mantle. The only big difference is the tempature. And I also think that we did cut it straight down the middle, but it WAS at the widest part of the egg. I really did love your post though. It was exactly what we did in class! One of the most informitive and interesting posts I've seen. Excellent post!

Ari said...


The membrane was the small thin/filmy piece that was coming off while you were peeling the the shell off. Its kinda clear, but its still visble.


I think you could have elaborated on the way that the earth and the hard-bolied egg are alike, and some of the qeustions that we had to answer. Didn't we have science homework,too? Don't we have to do the earth is like a.... paper?


Jello Beat Down said...

That was a very fun experiment and I thought that eating it was the best part. How many people like to eat the yolk because I love eating it?


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

I really agree that the egg was a good example of he earth. The layers of an egg is similar to the layers of the earth.
egg: the shell acted as the crust
the membrane as the asthenosphere
egg white as mantle
yolk as core.
some of us said that the green stuff around the outside of the yolk was the outer core.


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Great job! I had lots of fun doing that experiment. I also liked how you told us the suplies we needed. My favorite part was to peel the membrane of the egg.
C U ALL AT SKOOL 2moro =)

Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

the egg was a good example of the earth

The Petulant Child said...

Hey that is really cool i think that that would represent the earth perfectly. : ) p.s my teacher is letting me use his e-mail to post this. ttly