Thursday, July 17, 2008

Scientific Investigation Terms

Today was a pretty informative day. If you missed it don't worry, just keep reading. Well first things first, observation. An observation is just a description of an item or event. For example, I observed that the ice cream was vanilla with chocolate chips in it, that's an observation. There are two types of observations one of them is called a Quantitative observation. A quantitative observation is observing how much of something there is. Like the vanilla ice cream had 20 chocolate chips on it. But the number has to be precise not like over 10 chocolate chips. The second kind of observation is Qualitative observation which involves your senses (hear, see, etc.). For example the flower smelled sweet and it was yellow. Enough with observations lets move on. The next thing we learned about was inferences. Inferences are conclusions based on evidence about what has occurred or from prior knowledge. Like I inferred her tongue was blue because she was sucking on a lollipop I inferred this because I saw her buy a lollipop. Next we learned about variables which is the part of an experiment that changes. There are two types of variables independent variables (IV) and dependent variable (DV). The IV is something we change on purpose and the DV is the result from the change. The depends on the IV. What I mean by that is say the IV was a flower I put in water with blue coloring dye and the and the blue flower in result of what I did would be the DV. There would have never been a DV if I hadn't put the IV in the blue water. On to constants constants are the factors of an experiment that are kept the same and never change. Like if we were to soak paper towels in water to see which one is more absorbant we wouldn't change the amount of water we soaked each paper towel in because that is a constant. Next is control a control is the part of an experiment that serves as a comparison to the variables. Next we learned about experiments which is a process in which a problem is tested and observations are made in order to find a solution . An experiment would be like if I mixed baking soda and vinegar to see what would happen. Then we learned about data which is facts found as a result of an experiments. Another way to put data is what you record while observing an experiment. Then we learned about line graphs which shows change over time. Here's a page about line graphs . Next we learned about bar graphs which compare 2 or more items. Lastly we learned about a conclusion. A conclusion is a summary of what happened or was learned during an experiments. That was what we learned today. Also all of the worksheets from today are on blackboard.



Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

I think that day was kind of fun
because we got to learn about [dv]
and [iv].


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Awesome Post Jerseygirl697!!
I loved how you made it feel like Mr.Sherman was talking to us! You did everything that you were supposed to and you were very informative about todays lesson and what we learned about!!
Great Job!


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Hey Jerseygirl697! Great post!! You forgot to add the part when Mr.Sherman told us the story of when he came home and the back door was open and he had to make a conclusion that someone broke into his house or his wife left it open. That story was awesome and so is Mr.Sherman!!!!


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Awosome Post!
Very descriptive words with a nice link i hope when i get my turn to write which hopefully will be soon will be as nice link. that is exactly what we did. i know if i wasn't there i would have known what we learned.

Thanks Cool Teacher Dude and Jersygirl697

Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

AWESOME POST! That was like the most informative blog/post yet. Although(for future reference) I would reread what you have wrote because there were a couple of simple mistakes that rereading could've made disappear. The website that you attached to your post was pretty sweet! If we ever get another chance to post a blog, make sure that you do just a good a job as you did today.
Also I'm so excited about posting, I wonder when I'm going to get to post? Is anybody else as excited as me? Hopefully you are because it would be much more fun if you want to do it than if you're not thinking of it as an oppurtunity because then you will think like it takes forever.

Remember be posotive,

Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

WOW jerseygirl!!that was amazing!i loved the way that you desribed everything that we did today it was outstanding!!and the website you gave was very easy to understand


MomoLuvsPink said...

Hey! Wow you really paid attention! Thats exactly what we did! Thanks for working so hard to make the scribe really good! See you tomorow at school whoever you are! Oh, and P.S:
I didn't read the whole thong cuz it was 2 long;)


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Wow! I felt like Mr.Sherman was up there teaching us. You explained it all soo well and you didn't miss a beat in class. That was like really awsome and hopefully everyone can write a post this well by the end of the school year!

Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

does any one know what an initial observation is? Awesome post Jerseygirl697. See ya tomorrow.


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

I know what it is but you may want to check out in the sectence is dependent on iv you didn't write what it was dependent on


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Wow! That was terrific, you did a great job! That was exactly what we did today and i think its awesome that you almost had practictly every single detail! If I was absent today then that would definitly teach me about those terms!
Again Great Job!

Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Jerseygirl697- That was a great post! This is a model example of what we are looking for. I only wish we would of have more people comment.

Excellent job and I'm so happy to see that everyone is getting involved!

Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

That was a great post. I really like the website you added.Another thing i really like is how much description there is far that was the best post yet.


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Hey Jerseygirl697!

Great post! It seemed as if Mr. Sherman was actually there teaching us the lesson again!! See you in class tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Great write up. Your examples give real life meanings to the terms you learned.

Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

exellent post Jersey girl I feel like I would have missed school and would have gotten the same information


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Hey GREAT comment! that day was pretty fun learning about all the types of observations and stuff like that. i think mr. Sherman is a really cool teacher he is funny.


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

yo Jereygirl697......
that was a totaly off the scale post!i especialy luved the description in it;)

keep up the awesom work


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Wow! Awesome post! really! It was long, but wow!!!!!!! You made it seem like i was in class again.

Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

oops sorry!

that last comment was from bluechicken1

Anne said...

Hey Jerseygirl687! Looonnng post!!! It was great and i enjoyed science that day it was fun!


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

That was a long post. I felt like I was reading something off yahoo. Good description and choice of words.


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

That was an AWESOME post jerseygirl697!!! You made it sound like I was actually in class! i really like this site because if you miss something in class or if your absent you could always come here and check out the lesson we did that day!! You said everything we learned today specificly!!! It was a great post! See you tomorrow!

Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Awesome Post Jerseygirl697!!
First I was really confused what is the difference between a Independent Variable is and what is a Dependent
Variable is. Now you cleared it to
me. A Independent Variable is a type
of something like a paper towel and a Dependent Variable is a amount of something like a amount of water absorbed. Also Dependent Variable is the variable that responds(reacts) to the independent variable.
Thanks a lot for explaining to me the difference between a Independent Variable and a Dependent Variable.


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Awesome Post Jerseygirl697!!
First I was really confused what is the difference between a Independent Variable is and what is a Dependent
Variable is. Now you cleared it to
me. A Independent Variable is a type
of something like a paper towel and a Dependent Variable is a amount of something like a amount of water absorbed. Also Dependent Variable is the variable that responds(reacts) to the independent variable.
Thanks a lot for explaining to me the difference between a Independent Variable and a Dependent Variable.


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Wowie!!! Phenomenal!!! Great job! Thank you so much for explaining it close to perfect!!!
goof job!!!
