Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bar graphs and Paper Towel experment

What we did today on July 24,2008 was Mr. Sherman showed us the right way to do bar graphs. For it to be a good bar graph it has to have: a x and y axis, x and y labels, title, key, and a scale. If you need to know more go to :
The next thing we did was the paper towel lab. That was a lot of fun and we loved it a lot. What we had to do was take three different brands of paper towels without knowing which one is which. Then we observed the paper towels and made a hypothesis of witch one would absore the most water. Then we measured 100 ml. of water and then soaked the paper towel in the water until completely covered with water. After soaked in water for one minute we would hold the paper towel over the beaker with the tongs and let it drip all the water that was not absorbed. Then we would see how much water was absorbed. Then we repeated it for the other two.


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

I loved it. nice post! very discriptive, and i like the pic! We did that too. It was so much fun. Who else thought it was fun?! Yeah, that was a great expirement and bar graphs ar cool too.


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Great post b1n2c343! I like the fact that you really explained how to make a bar graph the right way. Thank you for making a link in there also.
Also I like the picture you posted in
in the post you made.
Well done!


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

b1n2c343:great job on the post!!you should have put what the results were for the paper towel lab.what were the results for all the blocks??if anyone knows,please tell me!!

Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...
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Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...
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Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

hey guys!!i just got a blog of my own so check it out!! sorry that it will be boring,but it wont be when i update it!!


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Great post! HEYYitsAGC: I think Mr.Sherman said that block twos lowest was block ones highest and block twoss highest was ones lowest. Although if anyone from block 1 can give us their results that would be great. Ours(block 2) was for paper towel A 46 ml, paper towel B 49 ml, and paper towel c was 51 ml.I really like that picture you added in the blog b1n2c343. It was really awsome and detailed.

Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Hey b1n2c343, good post. I did notice that you made one spelling mistake. You put absore instead of absorbed. It was just a simple mistake though. Did anybody notice anything else? I also want to know how much water we started off with so I can tell my parents about the experiment. does anybody know how much water we started off with? Other than that it was a great post. I especially loved the picture and the fact that you included everything we need on our bar graphs. Now I'll never forget again!
I did think it was fun bluechiken1! (hey that rhymes) My hypothesis was correct, in block 2's lab Brand C, (viva) absorbed the most water. Was anybody else's hypothesis correct?
Again, great post b1n2c343!
-- qwerty12345 --

Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

today I had fun doing paper towel lab. this is a great post. i'd love to post soon.

Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

We're getting there. Each day our blog continues to improve. I love that we are starting to ask more questions. Qwerty12345 I just wanted to mention one thing. You had said that your hypothesis was "correct". Remember, as I shared in class, our hypothesis is not correct/incorrect; it's that our hypothesis was supported or not supported. I know it takes some getting used to using the right terminology, but it's all good. See you all tomorrow.

~Cool Teacher Dude

Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

sorry I forgot to put my blogger name. it was the ninth post. my blogger name is crazyswimmergirl108


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Pretty good post! To answer qwerty12345's question there was one spelling error that I noticed... it was the title you accidentely said expiremnt instead of experiment. If anybody has any questions just ask.


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Awsome post b1n2c343!I really liked the way how you put all the things we have done in class into one whole paragraph.I also liked how you included a picture in your post and also a link. That was some great link you put in there.
awsome job!


Anne said...

Hey b1n2c343! Awesome job on the post! It really explained a lot. I wonder if we used different amount of water for each of the paper towels? what do you think will happen?


Anonymous said...
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Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

I loved the comment before I read it I didn't have clue until I read the post


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Icecreamlover you put your name you might want to change that

Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Haya AWESOME POST!Udid a great job i had 2 laeve class erly but i feal like u filled me in on what i missed!Thanks 4 everything.


Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

Hollistergirl97 here is anybody else going on this post well u should!its AWESOME!!!!!:)

Mr. Sherman's Science Class said...

b1n2c343,Great post!!!;)One thing for HEYYitsAGC are we alloued to put are own blog websites on the blog?Please b1n2c343 get HEYYitsAGC
to answer cause' i'm not sure if she checks this thing anymore!:(
